For Fs2000

March 11, 2001
Sound System By Manuel Gonzalez

Modified by Patrick Freitag, 03/2001

Sound System for Helicopter: EC 135

The system works like this:

To prepare for helicopter start-up press F1 key, then Ctrl + F4.
Then to start engines press Ctrl + Shift + F4
1. The starter function 0 rpm to 20 rpm.
2. Comburstart at 20 rpm to 60 rpm.
3. Normal Combustion at 60 rpm to 100 rpm.

For starting helicopter the rpm must be 0 for stater to function.

To shut down the helicopter, decrease rpm from 100 to 60 rpm
(Ctrl + F1) and once rpm reaches 60 rpm, press F4 and RPM will
decrease to 35 rpm. Then press Ctrl + Shift + F1 for
full engine off.


Put the Sound folder in the helicopter's folder (replacing existing
Sound folder). Put the file named 'Air' in the helicopter's folder
and Rename it with the same name of the existing .air file. (you will
need to delete or rename the exisitng air file first.
(Example: rename Dauph.air to Daup-orig.air -- Then rename AIR.air to Dauph.air)


This Sound System is FREEWARE.


Copyright C. pr 2001